America Cut You

Where are your missing pieces? The cut inside you boils with rage, The kind I've imagined and feared. There is a trend in your kind, I've seen this self-hate before. Your silence reflects your pain.

America, you've harmed your children, They feel no honor, they require no loyalty, Don't be fooled by their kind voices And charming demeanor. Humanity has left them, It's not their fault; they were cut open.


I've been infatuated with all aspects of you, From the moment I felt an unknown hand, To when I rightfully placed it for the first time. You captured my vulnerability, And at times, you came to my rescue.

I smile at the thought of the ones I taught, Feeling a sense of shame from those who guided me. I hope for a gulp of satisfaction from those who felt entitled, I'm fighting for the ones who inspire me, And crave security from the ones who already love me.

I am Ma. I am Her.


I've watched you grow,

Your smile took the world by surprise.

The eyes glow,

Small structure, wide mind, full speed.

Speak your truth, child, it's time to rise,

Unfold your future,

Grant it an entrance.

Self-realization will set you free from yourself,

Poof will go your mind into itself.


Another lost human,

Attachment, not longing,

Brings not peace,

A constant reminder of unwanted belonging,

Creating crease after crease,

In these desert eyes.

I see

Through his loneliness,

As his sighs roll his sadness,


Curtains open their way to thunder,


Bring in the choir, there must be room.

Silent King

To the ones I left behind, And the ones I have yet to meet, I seem to have let you down, I became your lesson. It's not your fault; your own self reminds you of your fears. You in the crown, I'm talking to you, You are conditioned to feel pain in silence. It's your fathers and their fathers who broke your soul, Yet you turn the other cheek for more. You with your sword, don't be fooled by the voices in your head, They are not your own, Break the mold, Leave the old skin behind, The one which crumbles the scales and shines gold.

Some may crumble, waiting to be reborn. Your stories will be retold As a new man without the added weight of his crown.